Figurama Collectors sorprende tutti annunciando la licenza di “Blame!” di Tsutomu Nihei.
“I’m looking for someone… with the Net Terminal Gene.”
Al momento non si hanno ulteriori informazioni ma siamo sicuri che non tarderanno ad arrivare e siamo quasi certi che vedremo qualcosa al prossimo Wonder Festival Winter a frebbraio 2020.
I prodotti saranno tratti dalla versione presente su Netflix e se ancora non lo avete visto vi consigliamo di andare a guardarlo subito
It’s no secret that Figurama Collectors loves to break away from mainstream licenses. There’s been so much excitement leading up to this announcement since we are diehard fans of Blame! by Tsutomu Nihei—a mangaka whose detailed artwork has long been considered “visually impossible” to adapt.
We have risen to the challenge of doing justice to the universe of Blame! by distilling the worldbuilding, technology, and dystopian atmosphere of the story into a collectible masterpiece. This will mark Figurama Collectors’ record-first cyberpunk and sci-fi statue to ever be released.
We hope our collectors will look forward to teasers, updates, and reveals about this upcoming piece.